Rover number three for Febrovery. This time going with more of a grounded near-future space aesthetic. The wheels do roll smoothly, and it was fun using some lacquered gold elements.
Second rover for Febrovery 2025. Suspension on all six wheels this time, and played around with some brighter colors. All began with the six wheel chassis, then using the long…
My first, and hopefully not last, contribution to Febrovery 2025. The four rear wheels use the classic swingarm ‘suspension’ and the build is quite stable. Started off with the chassis…
My contribution for Novvember is a pair of vic vipers piloted by geckos. There’s a nice selection of round elements in interesting colors available now, and I enjoyed playing with…
Built for Mechtober and Creations for Charity. The name references the pilot – Hammond from Overwatch. Unlike his Wrecking Ball tank, this mech would definitely fulfill a damage role.
I saw Transformers One with some friends recently, and really liked the truck mode of Optimus Prime. Which made me want to build something along those lines, and I really…
Built for SHIPtember, an annual event where you are challenged to build a 100+ stud spaceship in the month of September. I haven’t done a SHIP in this horizontal panel…
“Mind” was the RogueOlympics theme this round, and I settled on a version of the popular sci-fi trope where consciousness can be transferred via high tech equipment. It uses exactly…
The round 5 prompt for RogueOlympics was ‘Uplift’. I went with a rather literal interpretation, doubling down on the idea of uplift and lifting up, by building this autonomous hover…
Another RogueOlympics entry, where the prompt was “Balance”. Which brought to mind the design principle of balance, with the simplest version being symmetrical balance. Cue a very fun day building…