Built for SHIPtember, an annual event where you are challenged to build a 100+ stud spaceship in the month of September. I haven’t done a SHIP in this horizontal panel…
I got off to a very late start for SHIPtember this year. Not putting any bricks or plan together till the 21st. Fortunately John is visiting, and together we cranked…
I did manage to complete my build for SHIPtember! It was built over the course of two weeks, is 104 studs tall, weighs 3.3 pounds (1.5 kg), and is easily…
Finished my SHIP for the year just in time! For those of you unaware, SHIPtember is an annual event that challenges participants to create a space SHIP (Super Huge Investment…
Since the first SHIP came together so quickly, I made a second! The cargo modules are made of these Nexo Knight pods, which are some of the first things I…
Great to participate in SHIPtember again! This year’s SHIP took me two weeks to build and is 105 studs long. There’s a light brick incorporated in the bridge and the…
My completed SHIP for this years SHIPtember. It was a really fun, (albeit frustrating at times) process, and I definitely learned a lot along the way. While there are still…
Built for (early birds) Shiptember. This is my second SHIP ever (Super Huge Investment In Parts), it measures in at 106 studs long, and just under 6 pounds. It’s quite…