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Castle in the Clouds


Battle at Skergat Pass

This is my Category C entry to Challenge 2 in Guilds of Historica. I've been meaning to do a large landscape with lots of tilted plates for a while now. Most of the larger plates are simply resting in place (though they're held there by the stuff around them), the smaller plates by the ruins are all actually attached.

As soon as the scouts had reported to Glorfindel that a Black Spire army would be traveling through Skergat Pass, Glorfindel ordered his men to prepare for an ambush. The Mitgardian soldiers were soon concealed along the ridges on both sides of the ravine. Once the Black Spire army was well into the pass, Glorfindel signaled for the attack. Pouring down the sides of the ravine his men had both the advantages of surprise and the higher ground.

(Click to enlarge)

, Battle, left , Battle, right , Battle, center , Battle, fp , Battle, fp2 , Battle, horses , Battle, horses-r , Battle, battle , Battle, archers , Battle, empty , Battle, empty , Battle, empty , Battle, ruins , Battle, tree
An original creation by Isaac Snyder