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Castle in the Clouds


Nordheim Keep

An entry into the Colossal Castle Contest on Snowy Castle dioramas have long been my favorite subject matter, so this was an extraordinarily fun build. This is my largest irregular base build to date, and features a full interior throughout the whole keep. The rockwork was made using my technic brick design, which you can see a tutorial on, here: Flickr

The citizens of Nordheim are quite proud of their large keep, and can often be found feasting inside it's protective walls on cold wintry days.

(Click to enlarge)

Snowy Keep, low Snowy Keep, left Snowy Keep, left Snowy Keep, back Snowy Keep, back, angled Snowy Keep, back Snowy Keep, right Snowy Keep, fortress Snowy Keep, keep Snowy Keep, palisade Snowy Keep, house Snowy Keep, stone base Snowy Keep, snowscape Snowy Keep, landscape Snowy Keep, bush Snowy Keep, rock Snowy Keep, path Snowy Keep, trees Snowy Keep, doors open Snowy Keep, snow shoveling Snowy Keep, kitchen Snowy Keep, servant Snowy Keep, feast Snowy Keep, jarl Snowy Keep, stairs Snowy Keep, armory Snowy Keep, fireplace Snowy Keep, stairs and window Snowy Keep, third floor Snowy Keep, third floor2
An original creation by Isaac Snyder