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Castle in the Clouds


Blue Castle

Built for the "Taste the Rainbow" contest on Classic-Castle. The idea of the contest is to build a castle mainly out of a bright color, I chose blue. I was originally going to build a red/dark bley or bley 'brick' castle. But decided that there had been plenty of those done before. So instead I used blue/tan and tried to capture more of a middle eastern feel. It was a bigger challenge than I expected, particularly because I'm not familiar with the pieces I have to use in blue and tan. I'm not completely satisfied with how the castle turned out, but I do really like the landscape. As always there's a full interior. Credit for the cobble stone design goes to Wat_Tambor.

Lord Nordan makes a trade agreement with a Kaliphlin lord.

(Click to enlarge)

Blue Castle, front Blue Castle, angled Blue Castle, right Blue Castle, back Blue Castle, back Blue Castle, meeting Blue Castle, courtyard Blue Castle, courtyard Blue Castle, second Blue Castle, first
An original creation by Isaac Snyder