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Castle in the Clouds


Feast at the Fjollum Great Hall

My intro build into The Tournament at MOCpages, and a entry into the Small Miscellaneous category of the Colossal Castle Contest. This year I'm basing most of my CCC entries on The Peleg Chronicles book series. Halhi141, Brick Productions, Infernum, and Kai Bernstein all gave helpful suggestions for this build. This is my first build using this wall design. I think this method gives an interesting field stone effect. About 80-90% of the pieces are actually attached, the others are wedged in tightly and the build is actually pretty sturdy.

After they defeated the giants in the Hradcanny Games, our heroes were invited to a feast by King Strongbow. The Queen, Princess Catrina, and many nobles attended as well. But the feast holds an underhanded surprise for the heroes.

(Click to enlarge)

 Great Hall, left  Great Hall, right  Great Hall, back  Great Hall, interior  Great Hall, interior  Great Hall, interior  Great Hall, interior, shield  Great Hall, interior  Great Hall, stairs  Great Hall, feast  Great Hall, feast  Great Hall, feast  Great Hall, feast
An original creation by Isaac Snyder