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Castle in the Clouds


Mitgardian Throne Room

A free build for Guilds of Historica. I had some trouble figuring out the floor design for this build until I saw the epic sails on kabel's ship (link). Then I just tried to copy the bear paw design for the floor.

Glorfindel and Wyndor have returned to Valholl after visiting many of the towns and cities in Mitgardia. They immediately go to the throne room to report to Elon Chorian and Steen Larrson. Many nobles and officers are in the throne room discussing the current tension between Avalonia and Mitgardia.

(Click to enlarge)

 Throne Room, talk  Throne Room, group  Throne Room, empty  Throne Room, bear paw  Throne Room, figs
An original creation by Isaac Snyder