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Amfridus the Inventor

My build for Round 3 of The Tourney at MOCpages. Halhi141, Infernum, and Brick all gave me helpful suggestions for this build. Credit for the lantern design goes to Brick, though I modified it slightly. This was an extremely fun build. I tilted the wood sections using ball joints, for the first time. The idea of the build was to create a wacky, and whimsical atmosphere. Hence the unusual colorscheme for the build.
There's a full interior, and the elevator actually works. Also Amfridus has devised a bucket system whereby he procures water without leaving his home.

Amfridus the Inventor lives in his tower outside of Guaire. Unlike some inventors, he is very friendly. Naysayers claim his chemical experiments have polluted the stream which runs by his home, but the plentiful aquatic life seems to show otherwise. Rego and Dedan pay Amfridus a visit hoping to procure some new inventions and potions that will give them an edge in The Tourney.

(Click to enlarge)

 Inventor, low  Inventor, high  Inventor, front  Inventor, side  Inventor, side low  Inventor, back  Inventor, top  Inventor, path  Inventor, arch  Inventor, up  Inventor, water  Inventor, houses  Inventor, entrance  Inventor, path  Inventor, path  Inventor, turtle  Inventor, waterfall  Inventor, up  Inventor, amfridus  Inventor, roof  Inventor, cave  Inventor, cave  Inventor, first  Inventor, bucket  Inventor, bucket  Inventor, second  Inventor, bed  Inventor, book  Inventor, workbench  Inventor, telescope  Inventor, Elevator
An original creation by Isaac Snyder