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Castle in the Clouds


Battle for the Islands

This is my second build for the 3rd Global Challenge in the Lands of Classic Castle (LCC). No interior in this as I didn't have enough pieces and it would be tiny. Credit for the ladder design goes to Eklund.

Pepin went with some Lenfald troops to the islands to help make siege weapons as necessary. Here he watches the siege of a tower belonging to a minotaur and orcs.
Part one can be seen here: first build

(Click to enlarge)

Battle for the Islands, front Battle for the Islands, catapult Battle for the Islands, ladder Battle for the Islands, mantlets Battle for the Islands, siege tower Battle for the Islands, gates Battle for the Islands, pepin Battle for the Islands, courtyard Battle for the Islands, door Battle for the Islands, defenders Battle for the Islands, ladder-top Battle for the Islands, tower-top
An original creation by Isaac Snyder