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Castle in the Clouds


Manaor Castle

A free build for GoH. Inspired by castles built by Karrde, 2 Much Caffeine, LL, vdubguy67, and de Gothia. There used to be a lot of castles built on only a 32x32 baseplate, but I haven't seen many lately. I also haven't seen many castles with hinged walls/opening interiors and this was built with those two main goals in mind. The castle lifts off of the baseplate then can hinge open. All the doors/trapdoors work and every building has a full interior. Some of the rooms include: a storage room, an armory, a dining room, a chapel, and a bedroom. This is my favorite castle yet.

Drottin Manaor rules the town of Sveithaven in Mitgardia. He has served the Jarl loyally all his life and now is running for Prime Minister of Mitgardia.

(Click to enlarge)

Manaor Castle, Front Manaor Castle, left-angled Manaor Castle, Left Manaor Castle, Back, keep Manaor Castle, back Manaor Castle, back, angled Manaor Castle, Right Manaor Castle, doors Manaor Castle, doors open Manaor Castle, door, keep Manaor Castle, door, great hall Manaor Castle, door, keep Manaor Castle, door, chapel Manaor Castle, door-tower Manaor Castle, door, tower Manaor Castle, courtyard Manaor Castle, well Manaor Castle, tudor Manaor Castle, window Manaor Castle, keep top Manaor Castle, tower top Manaor Castle, tower, second floor Manaor Castle, tower, storage room Manaor Castle, tower, second floor Manaor Castle, armory Manaor Castle, chapel Manaor Castle, dining room Manaor Castle, Left Manaor Castle, overview of the castle Manaor Castle, opened Manaor Castle, opened Manaor Castle, keep interior
An original creation by Isaac Snyder