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Castle in the Clouds


Rescue from a Hand Fortresss

Tried to capture a run-down scary atmosphere with this build, there is a full interior and even a dungeon underneath the fortress.
The Hand of Corruption took Dedan, Jayan, and the others to one of their fortresses. When Joktan, Erastus, and Kenan, found out, they were to determined to rescue them:
(Click to enlarge images)

Rescue from a Hand Fortress, left-side Rescue from a Hand Fortress, right-side Rescue from a Hand Fortress, back Rescue from a Hand Fortress, top Rescue from a Hand Fortress, view Rescue from a Hand Fortress, climbers Rescue from a Hand Fortress, trapdoors Rescue from a Hand Fortress, left tower interior Rescue from a Hand Fortress, right tower interior Rescue from a Hand Fortress, first floor Rescue from a Hand Fortress, stairs Rescue from a Hand Fortress, table Rescue from a Hand Fortress, trapdoor Rescue from a Hand Fortress, dungeon Rescue from a Hand Fortress, sections
An original creation by Isaac Snyder 4-14-2013