I built this for the Dwellings of Mitgardia mini-challenge in Guilds of Historica. If you’re not already involved with the Guilds, you should check it out! Book III has just started and there is a large active community of builders involved.
I enjoy building in the Dwarven style, and have made a fair amount of Dwarven scenes over the years, but not any recently. Which made it a great time to experiment with another building. I also got back into the habit of including full interiors. The corner pillar design is a modified version of a technique used in the Disney Castle.
Eryl has many friends in Harburg, but one of his closest companions is Danyel: the son of a Dwarven merchant. Despite being nearly the same age as Eryl, Danyel already shows signs of having a fine Dwarven beard in the years to come.