SJ Prize: Guild Evolution Part 3

Here is the third installment in my series of prize builds for the 2024 Summer Joust collaborative category.
If you haven’t seen the other two, those can be found here: Part 1, Part 2.

As the settlement grew, diverse skills became essential. Hunters and trackers emerged among those skilled with weapons, while others became capable craftsmen and farmers. Still a passion for exploration persisted. One bold explorer, Nivka, was intent on mapping coastal caves. On one such expedition, a mundane crevice continued down into vast caverns with towering rock formations and cascading waterfalls. Yet, the true marvel lay in its inhabitants: dragons! Nivka was enthralled and through much patience and persistence, she eventually gained their trust, securing powerful allies for the settlement. The legacy of Nivka “Dragon’s Friend” would reshape the purpose of the settlement over the generations to come.

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