The 6th installment of Finest Creations. For those of you who missed the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth.
Here is how it works: John and I each choose 5 of our best creations from the given time frame and compile them in a single post. Then it is your task to cast your vote and decide what was John’s and my best creation from those given, and also which creation is your favorite overall. We will tally the votes and then add the victorious MOCs to a new gallery for Brickbuilt’s Public Choice Creations. Each build picture links to the build page, so you can check out more pictures if you’re having trouble making a decision. You can see all past Public Choice Creations here.
John’s Top 5 Creations:
Wolfpack Hideout
Isaac’s Top 5 Creations:
Bodiam Castle
Last round’s winners: Nordheim Keep, and Uncle Byron’s Home.
Cast your vote now and decide what will be the next creations will win!
Isaac: Bodiam Castle
John: Setting Up Camp
Isaac: Bodiam Castle
John: Setting Up Camp
John – Setting up Camp
Isaac: Bodiam Castle
John: Setting up Camp
Isaac: Bodiam Castle
Mitgardian Smithy and Snowy Explore.
Great to see how far you guys have come 😉
Thanks for the votes everyone!
For Isaac I would say Bodiam castle, and for John my favorite is scouting donwar. 🙂